What is ATP?

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a naturally produced organic compound that’s made up of three different phosphate groups and adenosine (which includes ribose- a sugar). ATP is an abundant source of chemical energy which is stored in the phospate bound in it. When these bonds are broken the energy is released to become what is described and the currency that funds your metabolisms. ATP is produced in the mitochondria over every human cell via celluar respiration. Plants produce ATP in the chloroplasts through the process – photosynthesis.

As long as lots of ATP is present in your cells, your energy levels can be sustained and your cellular tissues will function properly. However, as with so many other things, as we age, our bodies become much less efficient at producing ATP. Our energy levels begin to decline and our cells do not function as effectively. It’s also useful to note, that while ATP stokes the fires of our metabolic processes at the cellular level, it also produces some waste products (just like the ashes in a fireplace) which left alone will accumulate in the cell and actually damage the mitochondria which produce it.

So, the process which produces our energy contains within it, the seeds of it’s own destruction. It’s all part of aging which may be inevitable, but there’s no reason to accept it prematurely. One substance that can help protect cellular mitochondria, from the waste it produces, is Glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant.

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