This Human Delicacy Could Poison Your Dog Fast

This Human Delicacy Could Poison Your Dog Fast

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By Dr. Becker

Chocolate is made from the roasted seeds of the Theobroma cacao or cocoa tree. The seeds have certain properties that can be toxic for dogs and cats, including caffeine and theobromine, which are naturally occurring stimulants. Both theobromine and caffeine stimulate the central nervous system and heart muSee Original Article

Illegal immigrants now outnumber Americans who are officially unemployed

(NaturalNews) A new report says that the number of illegal aliens currently residing in the United States has surpassed the number of unemployed Americans looking for work, a statistic that is bound to become a factor in the 2016 presidential race.As reported by the Washington…
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Fox News debate fraud? Jeb Bush spoon-fed obviously pre-arranged questions while Donald Trump is viciously attacked by unfair, biased news anchors

(NaturalNews) Everybody I know was watching the Republican debate tonight, wanting to find out who might stand out from the crowd.But the one thing that really stood out was the total fraud of what Fox News pulled off. It was clear from the first five minutes that Fox News had…
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8 Errores Que Podrían Fastidiar a Tu Gato

Por la Dra. Becker
Si tienes un gato, estás compartiendo tu hogar con una criatura noble y digna. El Sr. Bigotes no sólo es mal humorado y misterioso, sino que también prefiere vivir la vida bajo sus propios términos.
Dado a que no puedes leer su mente, tus intentos por crear un lazo con tu compañero felino podrían estar fallando o seSee Original Article

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