What is RiboCeine?

Finding ways to increase our levels of glutathione had kept scientists stumped for years. Since delivering glutathione directly as an oral supplement has proven to be an ineffective way to introduce it you our bodies, it was necessary to explore a different route. In response to that challenge, came the decision to supplement glutathione using its essential building blocks, the three amino acids cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Two of these amino acids, namely glutamic acid and glycine are readily available through our diet, but absorbing the required levels of cysteine proved to be a challenge. Until recently, NAC ( N-acetyl Cysteine) provided the best chance of maintaining ideal glutathione levels, but the large steady doses needed were expensive and inconvenient.

RiboCeine changed that. Developed by the renowned medicinal chemist and research scientist , Herbert T. Nagasawa, Ph.D., tt’s a groundbreaking combination of Ribose and Cysteine. Both are naturally occuring nutrients, that when combined will effectively deliver Cysteine to your cells. RiboCeine is best described as a “demand release” nutrient that is activated by the cells themselves. After entering the bloodstream it is used by the body to produce glutathione and ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the cells natural source of energy. RiboCeine has outperformed every means of glutathione enhancement that it’s been tested against.

RiboCeine is a nutritional compound and has been the topic of twenty published, peer-reviewed scientific studies. (List of studies at the bottom of the page if you click here)

RiboCeine and NAC Can Raise Liver Glutathione Levels

A next generation product has been brought to market to help your body produce glutathione. In case you’re not familiar with Glutathione, it provides many important benefits to your health including fortifying the immune system, cleaning toxins from your body, helping to combat inflammation and neutralizing free radicals.

Oxy- radicals are a critical issue because the damage that free radicals create in your body has been connected to over seventy four major disorders and illnesses and the main weapon we each possess to prevent the destruction caused by oxidative stress is Antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that can stop the spread of free radicals, which left alone can create an ongoing chain reaction of incomplete molecules that eventually damage the host cells and the organs in your body. With the many antioxidants that exist, one of them does a superior job of defending your cells from the damage caused by free radicals and it’s the Master Antioxidant, Glutathione.

Glutathione is naturally produced by your body. Unfortunately, aging retards the creation of glutathione and – when you need it most, glutathione is less and less available to you. It would be an easy thing to correct if you could simply supplement with glutathione, but that doesn’t work. Oral glutathione supplements are not effective, because as they pass through the digestive tract, the glutathione is ruined by the gastric juices and can’t be absorbed into the bloodstream.

The strategy that actually works is taking glutathione precursors. Precursors are the necessary nutrient materials that the body requires to make glutathione naturally. By supplying your body with an abundance of the building blocks it requires, blood and liver glutathione concentrations are boosted naturally – and considerably. To date the most effective products that I know of to increase glutathione levels are MAXGXL, MAXONE and Cellgevity from Max International.

MaxONE and Cellgevity are based on compound named RiboCeine, which has been featured prominently in connection with MAX ATP (I’ll write about ATP later). RiboCeine takes the name from D-Ribose – a simple, chemically linear sugar that supports the production of ATP and L-Cysteine, perhaps the most critical of the materials from which we make glutathione. While MAXGXL uses a blend of L-Glutamine and NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), MAXONE and Cellgevity use RiboCeine, which apparently is better able to protect the Cysteine in its journey through the stomach and get more to the cells, resulting in 300% higher liver glutathione levels.

Cellgevity, which is the newest product takes advantage of the strength of RiboCeine and combines it with other substances – like Vitamin C, Broccoli seed extract and ALA to also help your body better use -and reuse- the glutathione it produces.

For people who hate to swallow pills, a month’s supply of MaxONE is only 60 capsules – just two a day to boost your glutathione levels and experience the benefits that the Master Antioxidant will deliver to you.
Click here for more information on Cellgevity and if you would like to take a closer look at the original glutathione precursor MAXGXL- click here

Natural Relief for Chronic Pain

I’m not an official health practitioner and so you’ll receive a health consultation from this article .   But what you will get is a considered perspective about something you can check into if you’re suffering because of chronic pain.

Chronic pain – by definition – is long lasting and/or recurrent .  It can continue for months or- happens all too often – for years.  Chronic pain isn’t the immediate result of a traceable injury . The fact is that if you severely twist an ankle when you’re out running , it’s going to hurt the for a while .  Pain is natures way of telling you that something’s physically wrong. For lots of injuries and strains , the pain you feel the next day is caused by the inflammation caused in the cells .

Along this line , the immediate pain and chronic pain share a connetcion . That connection   is inflammation.  Inflammation is frequently common chronic condition that lots of people have even if we don’t know about it. But if a result of the inflammation is pain, we will pay attention .

Inflammation is often a result of an out-of-control action of free radical damage inside our cells.  One explanation for the unchecked damage is that there are not enough antioxidants available to clean up the free radicals.  There are lots of types of free radicals and a variety of antioxidants that can fight them, but not all of them are equally useful and one of the most valuable is an antioxidant called glutathione .

Glutathione is frequently called the body’s Master Antioxidant for the simple reason that it’s found in each cell of your body.  Since it is meant to always be at the scene of the crime , glutathione is uniquely adapted to remove free radicals everywhere .  It’s too bad that , as we get older we make decreasing amounts of the Master Antioxidant .

So getting to the point , one tactic you can try – which has been effective for people suffering from chronic pain is to increase the level of antioxidants in your system in order to eliminate the free radicals and reduce the inflammation.  You can increase your levels of Vitamins C and E . Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and to enhance your  glutathione production you can take MaxGXL or MaxONE.

Try MaxGXL instead of a Glutathione supplement.

Why Your Heart Needs AntiOxidant Protection

Elderly man in great shape

The human heart is certainly a wonderous organ .  Even before your first breath , the muscles that make up the heart are working hard , circulating oxygen rich blood to every part in you and drawing oxygen depleted blood back to your lungs.  On average, your heart will beat 37,869,120 times each year , year after year.  That’s around two and a half billion heartbeats in your lifetime .

Clearly , the heart is your powerhouse and deserves protection. You know , nobody can survive without a working heart and   with an average of 2 deaths every 68 seconds ,  forty percent of all the deaths in the United States are the result of heart disease, the leading cause of which is CAD- Coronary Artery Disease

Because it’s the hardest working organ in your body, the heart muscles will produce a continuous supply    of energy and it’s this massive level of energy creation which renders your heart vulnerable to the threat of free radicals. Hence , the heart is one organ with a high demand for antioxidants  and the most important of which is Glutathione.

Producing Energy for the Heart

The heart’s astounding ability to make energy is rooted within each cell’s power plants known as Mitochondria.  Every cell in every organ has these tiny energy producing sites .  On average, most cells will have a few hundred mitochondria, but the cells found in the muscles of your heart have about 5,000! The power that’s made in your cells, is created in the form of a compound called ATP or adenosine triphosphate.  Unfortunately , producing energy has a price .

The by- products of creating energy are free radicals and with so many mitochondria in the cells of the heart , there will also be a matching population of by-products . Without the intervention of antioxidants , free radicals can create a cascading response within the heart cells that can kill them and their components – like cellular DNA.

CAD and Heart Disease

Arteriosclerosis – Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) which is generally called hardening of the arteries or loss of arterial elasticity is a leading cause of Heart disease. It’s been linked to a substance called lipid peroxidase. That’s what you get when the lipids in your heart are converted into free radicals.  Lipids, are a large group of molecules which include waxes, sterols, fats and the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K.  In addition to   raised levels of Free radicals, patients with CAD have also been found with depressed levels of antioxidants including Glutathione.  Missing a sufficient supply of antioxidants to scavenge free radicals in your heart, this organ and your arterial system will eventually suffer from oxidative stress.

Our systems are designed to manage free radicals created by normal processes, but most of us are subject to extra stresses that were not part of the original plan . They include environmental chemicals ( like cigarette smoke!), lousy diets, the unhealthy pace and emotional stress of our busy lives and poor conditioning of our muscles from not enough exercise.  We have placed our antioxidant reserves at a terrible disadvantage.

Why You Need More  Glutathione and Other Antioxidants

As we age , our chemistry starts to slow down. The mitochondria in our cells inevitably produce less energy and we also naturally begin to produce less glutathione – which is vital for a healthy heart.  Boosting glutathione supply can’t make us live forever, but given how important your heart is , it only makes sense to  eat better ,  live a healthier lifestyle and take concrete steps to boost our natural production of glutathione.

Oral Glutathione supplements are not effective, but you can increase your glutathione with a glutathione precursor like MaxONE.

Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress

Elderly man in great shape

Presenting all the connections that exist between aging, DNA damage, chronic pain, inflammation,  oxidative stress, the role of antioxidants and our metabolism and immune systems is a long and very complex process.  However, there is a definite link between the prevention of oxidative stress and the avoidance or at least delayed onset of many degenerative and often painful illnesses that we expect to be a part of normal aging.

Oxidative stress is  a killer- even if it doesn’t sound like one and its associated with many conditions and diseases like  Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, myocardial infarction (a heart attack that prevents blocks the blood supply to a part of the heart muscle causing it to die) other forms of heart failure  and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Oxidative stress is the resulting condition when there is either an uncontrolled increase in peroxides and oxy-radicals/free radicals (collectively referred to as reactive oxygen species)  or a significant shortfall in the body’s antioxidant defense systems, one of which is glutathione.

When your body can’t use its supply of antioxidants to protect itself- at a cellular level- from oxy-radical damage, you have oxidative stress.

Reactive oxidative species originate in different ways – both internally and externally.

Externally, free radicals are caused by; introduced toxins and pathogens, cigarette smoke, pollution, chemotherapy, UV damage, radiation, vigorous exercise and stress.

Internally, oxy-radicals are a standard by-product of your metabolism.   Even our own immune system used oxy-radicals to defend us against toxins and pathogens.  Normally, our natural reserves of antioxidants will scavenge these damaging by-products.   However, when aging and/or poor health and nutrition interfere with our usual ability to prevent oxidative stress the damage builds up and our defenses are eventually overwhelmed.

Oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species are also responsible for damage DNA damage which can lead to mutation.  Unfortunately, just as our production of antioxidants like glutathione decreases as we age, so too does our natural ability to maintain our DNA in good repair. One obvious example of the damage caused oxidative stress is  aged appearance (at best) to the skin of people who have not been protected from the sun’s harmful rays.

According to the Free Radical Theory of Aging , the accumulation of damaged cells caused by the unchecked action of free radicals is a primary contributor to the process of aging and while we cannot stop that, no one will debate that good health practices can contribute to a increased quality of life through what are supposed to be the golden years.  Antioxidants like glutathione which you can support with supplements like MaxGXL® and MAXONE can also play a key role in the avoidance  of chronic inflammation by reducing oxidative damage.