Immune Boosters You Should Know About

Just like everything else your immune system gets weaker when you grow old, so you might want to consider immune boosters to strengthen this important function.

Vitamins E and D are immune boosters

One such supplement is Vitamin E. Based on a study from the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, at Tufts University in Boston, Vitamin E can help some of the immune system from declining with age. The research used 78 seniors in good health, sixty-five and older and discovered that 200 mg of Vitamin E every day for a period of sixteen weeks stimulated increased antibody production in response to vaccines for hepatitis B and tetanus.

Vitamin E can boost the immune response by triggering extra production of our killer T-cells to destroy germs and cancer cells. In addition to that, your B-cells, the special cells that create antibodies to kill bacteria are stimulated in the presence of Vitamin E. Another valuable fact – in a different study at the Harvard School of Public Health, using Vitamin E supplements was shown to cut the chance of heart attacks by 50%.

Vitamin D3 the vitamin manufactured in your skin following exposure to the suns ultraviolet light is also an immune system booster.

Alma Fuit can boost your immune system

A new health drink that has immune system boosters also contains Alma fruit – something I had never heard of before. Alma fruit, or the Indian gooseberry is also an exceptional source of Vitamin C with 30X’s more vitamin C than you’ll find in oranges. Alma fruit is found in the plains and mountain regions of the Indian Subcontinent and grows anywhere from Burma to Afghanistan.

Continuing studies are demonstrating that Alma fruit might help to treat and/or avoid problems such as stress, cataracts, arthritis, hayfever and also cancer. It’s no surprise that the traditional Tibetan and Indian healers attribute to it special immune enhancing and anti-aging properties.

Japanese scientists at Nagasaki University have discovered that extracts from alma fruit prevent the growth of cancerous cells, with those in the stomach, uterus and skin showing the most pronounced effect. It’s also a richly concentrated source of antioxidants. The active immune booster in Alma has the name phyllemblin which can stimulate an increased production of immune cells.

Glutathione offers immune system support

Our bodies have many antioxidant defense systems, but within each cell a little protein called glutathione is crucial. Glutathione is essential for the action of immune cells, which protect us from bacterial and viral infections. Among people suffering from immune deficiency, glutathione levels are below what is normall found in the blood and immune cells. When they can increase glutathione levels to match what’s expeccted in healthy humans. it’s likely to help immune deficient people.