Heart Disease and the Cholesterol Connection

Cholesterol is a wax-like and fatty substance produced in the liver. Cholesterol is observed in selected foods like red meat, saturated and unsaturated fats, oils, butter, cheese etc.

Cholesterol is essential to keep the body working, but too much of the ‘bad’ cholesterol known as LDL can cause more harm than good. The presence of ‘bad’ cholesterol in the body, may lead to formation of plaque in the arteries, preventing free flow of blood to the heart.

The presence of bad cholesterol or LDL (Low density Lipoprotein) increases the risk of heart attack or heart failures due to blockage of arteries. The arteries are blocked due to formation of plaque in the body. The intake of fatty foods; butter, cheese, oils, raises bad cholesterol and is largely responsible for the accumulation of excessive fat in the arteries.

HDL (High density Lipoprotein) cholesterol is also known as the good cholesterol since HDL cholesterol drives away the bad cholesterol. HDL protects you from heart disease. Elevated levels of HDL may be as important for the heart as low levels of LDL since each contributes to a lowered risk of heart disease.

Triglycerides are yet another kind of fat that travels in the bloodstream. High triglyceride levels may be due to hypothyroidism, diabetes, kidney disease or liver disease or might occur as a result of large intakes of fats, butter, cheese and alcohol.

The ideal way to reduce bad cholesterol is to do it naturally by opting for compound carbohydrates like barley, oats, lentils, wheat, and dried peas in your diet and staying away from simple and refined carbohydrates like sugar, pastries and sweets.

Consume more soluble fiber like fruits, greens and oats, which will significantly boost HDL or good cholesterol levels. The top foods in this category include almonds, apples, apricots, carrots and cabbages – all of which are rich in fiber.

Keep away from smoking and tobacco. Go for a regular walk for at least 45 minutes every single day. In addition, performing yoga and meditation will have twin advantages of quieting both the body and the mind. If you can do these things your bad cholesterol can be decreased in a natural way.

The best bet towards controlling high cholesterol is change in your life style and eating habits.

Why Your Heart Needs AntiOxidant Protection

Elderly man in great shape

The human heart is certainly a wonderous organ .  Even before your first breath , the muscles that make up the heart are working hard , circulating oxygen rich blood to every part in you and drawing oxygen depleted blood back to your lungs.  On average, your heart will beat 37,869,120 times each year , year after year.  That’s around two and a half billion heartbeats in your lifetime .

Clearly , the heart is your powerhouse and deserves protection. You know , nobody can survive without a working heart and   with an average of 2 deaths every 68 seconds ,  forty percent of all the deaths in the United States are the result of heart disease, the leading cause of which is CAD- Coronary Artery Disease

Because it’s the hardest working organ in your body, the heart muscles will produce a continuous supply    of energy and it’s this massive level of energy creation which renders your heart vulnerable to the threat of free radicals. Hence , the heart is one organ with a high demand for antioxidants  and the most important of which is Glutathione.

Producing Energy for the Heart

The heart’s astounding ability to make energy is rooted within each cell’s power plants known as Mitochondria.  Every cell in every organ has these tiny energy producing sites .  On average, most cells will have a few hundred mitochondria, but the cells found in the muscles of your heart have about 5,000! The power that’s made in your cells, is created in the form of a compound called ATP or adenosine triphosphate.  Unfortunately , producing energy has a price .

The by- products of creating energy are free radicals and with so many mitochondria in the cells of the heart , there will also be a matching population of by-products . Without the intervention of antioxidants , free radicals can create a cascading response within the heart cells that can kill them and their components – like cellular DNA.

CAD and Heart Disease

Arteriosclerosis – Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) which is generally called hardening of the arteries or loss of arterial elasticity is a leading cause of Heart disease. It’s been linked to a substance called lipid peroxidase. That’s what you get when the lipids in your heart are converted into free radicals.  Lipids, are a large group of molecules which include waxes, sterols, fats and the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K.  In addition to   raised levels of Free radicals, patients with CAD have also been found with depressed levels of antioxidants including Glutathione.  Missing a sufficient supply of antioxidants to scavenge free radicals in your heart, this organ and your arterial system will eventually suffer from oxidative stress.

Our systems are designed to manage free radicals created by normal processes, but most of us are subject to extra stresses that were not part of the original plan . They include environmental chemicals ( like cigarette smoke!), lousy diets, the unhealthy pace and emotional stress of our busy lives and poor conditioning of our muscles from not enough exercise.  We have placed our antioxidant reserves at a terrible disadvantage.

Why You Need More  Glutathione and Other Antioxidants

As we age , our chemistry starts to slow down. The mitochondria in our cells inevitably produce less energy and we also naturally begin to produce less glutathione – which is vital for a healthy heart.  Boosting glutathione supply can’t make us live forever, but given how important your heart is , it only makes sense to  eat better ,  live a healthier lifestyle and take concrete steps to boost our natural production of glutathione.

Oral Glutathione supplements are not effective, but you can increase your glutathione with a glutathione precursor like MaxONE.