The Power of Network Antioxidants: Protecting Your Cells from Premature Aging

Together, these network antioxidants play a vital role in protecting our cells from premature aging.

Free radicals are unstable atoms that damage our body’s cells and tissues. They are caused by environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, and tobacco smoke, as well as internal factors like stress and poor diet. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress which leads to inflammation and chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and more.

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating an electron to them. This process stops the free radical from damaging other cells in the body. As we age, our natural antioxidant levels decrease which makes us more susceptible to oxidative stress.

The network antioxidants work together synergistically to provide greater protection than any of them would alone. For example, Vitamin C regenerates Vitamin E after it has donated an electron to a free radical. Similarly, Glutathione also recycles Vitamin C back into its active form after it has donated electrons.

CoQ-10 is a powerful antioxidant that is essential for energy production in our mitochondria – the powerhouses of our cells. It protects against mitochondrial damage caused by free radicals which can lead to energy depletion and cell death.

Vitamin E protects the fatty cell membrane from oxidation caused by free radicals while also working with CoQ-10 to protect mitochondrial membranes too. This helps maintain their integrity so they can continue producing ATP -the primary source of cellular energy.

ALA is unique because it’s both fat-soluble and water-soluble making it able to work throughout the entire body – even crossing into the brain where it may help protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.

Glutathione plays a critical role in detoxifying harmful substances such as heavy metals or toxins produced during metabolic processes within cells that could lead to DNA damage if not removed properly.

Together these five network antioxidants act like an army protecting your cells from damage caused by free radicals. They work together to neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative stress which leads to inflammation, chronic disease and premature aging.

So how can you ensure your body has enough of these vital network antioxidants?

First, a healthy diet is essential. Foods rich in antioxidants include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Consuming a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables provides different types of antioxidants that work together to protect cells.

Supplements can also be beneficial especially for those who have an increased need for antioxidants due to age or chronic illness. However it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen as they may interact with other medications or health conditions. Once you’ve done that, consider a glutathione precursor like OGF.

In addition to diet and supplements there are other lifestyle factors that can help maintain optimal levels of network antioxidants such as exercise, stress reduction techniques like meditation or yoga, getting enough sleep each night (7-9 hours), avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption.

In conclusion the power of network antioxidants is essential in protecting our cells from premature aging caused by oxidative stress. By working together synergistically they provide greater protection than any one antioxidant alone could accomplish. A healthy diet along with regular exercise and proper sleep habits are key components in maintaining optimal levels of these important nutrients. So make sure you are taking care of yourself both inside and out by incorporating the power of network antioxidants into your daily routine!

The Crucial Role of Glutathione in Heart Health and How to Boost Your Levels Naturally

In recent years, increasing attention has been given to the role of glutathione in maintaining heart health. This powerful antioxidant plays a crucial role in protecting the body against oxidative stress and preventing damage to cells and tissues, including those that make up the heart.

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. It is found throughout the body but is particularly abundant in organs such as the liver, lungs, and heart.

Glutathione acts as an antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals and other harmful molecules that can cause cell damage. It also plays a key role in detoxifying harmful substances such as heavy metals and drugs.

Why is Glutathione Important for Heart Health?

The heart is one of the most metabolically active organs in the body. As it pumps blood through our arteries and veins, it requires a constant supply of oxygen to function properly. However, this demand for oxygen also makes it vulnerable to oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress occurs when there are too many free radicals or other reactive molecules present in our cells. These molecules can damage cellular structures such as proteins, lipids (fats), and DNA.

Over time, this damage can accumulate and contribute to age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD includes conditions such as coronary artery disease (CAD), heart failure (HF), arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeat rhythms), peripheral vascular disease (PVD) among others.

Fortunately, glutathione helps protect against oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals before they cause cellular damage. In addition to its direct antioxidant effects on cells within the heart muscle itself (“myocytes”), glutathione also helps maintain healthy blood vessels by reducing inflammation within their walls which contributes significantly towards hypertension management thereby promoting better cardiac health outcomes

Studies on Glutathione’s Role In Heart Health

There is a growing body of research supporting the critical role of glutathione in heart health. For example, a study published in the Journal of Cardiac Failure found that patients with HF had significantly lower levels of glutathione than healthy controls.

Another study published in the Journal of Hypertension found that low levels of glutathione were associated with an increased risk of hypertension and CVD among men.

In addition to these clinical studies, animal studies have also demonstrated the protective effects of glutathione on heart health. For example, mice that were genetically engineered to have higher levels of glutathione showed improved cardiac function and reduced damage after a heart attack compared to control mice.

How to Boost Your Glutathione Levels Naturally

Focus on lifestyle factors that can naturally support your body’s production and utilization of this critical antioxidant.

  1. Eat plenty fresh fruits & vegetables – particularly those rich in sulfur-containing amino acids such as broccoli, cauliflower & kale which form building blocks for making more Glutahthone within our bodies
  2. Include lean meats – especially grass-fed beef which is high in cysteine (one component needed for making more Glutahthone)
  3. Exercise regularly – Regular exercise has been shown not only boost endogenous antioxidants including Glutahthone but also reduce oxidative stress so lessening overall cardiovascular disease risk
  4. Reduce exposure toxins- This includes things like smoking tobacco products or inhaling pollutants from things like traffic exhaust or industrial sources as well as eating food known or suspected contain harmful contaminants such as heavy metals (e.g., mercury) pesticides residues etcetera

5. Get enough sleep- Studies show when we don’t get enough sleep our bodies produce less Glutathone which can contribute to oxidative stress buildup over time

  1. Consider Supplementing- While diet and lifestyle factors are the best way to support your body’s production of glutathione, you may choose to support your glutathione levels with a glutathione precursor like Cellgevity

In conclusion

Glutathione plays a crucial role in protecting our heart health by reducing oxidative stress and supporting healthy blood vessels. By making simple changes to our diet and lifestyle, we can naturally boost our body’s production of this critical antioxidant and reduce our risk for developing heart disease.

Glutathione Video

I talk to a lot of people every day who ask about Max’s glutathione precursor products like MaxGXL, MaxONE and Cellgevity, but what most of them really want to better understand is “What is Glutathione”  and of course why do we need it.


Here’s a very informative and not too long ( I have a short attention span) video about Glutathione.

Inflammation and Glutathione

What is Glutathione and Inflammation

Many of the diseases that we consider to be the chronic diseases of aging – Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Arthritis, Cardio Vascular Disease, Auto Immune Disorders and a host of other problems seem to begin with a condition called chronic inflammation. It’s ironic because inflammation is basically part of the body’s healing process, but under some conditions cells, organs, joints, etc – suffering from long term oxidative stress caused by free radical damage can become chronically inflamed leading to many problems, including those listed above.

More Cellgevity Ingredients

Aloe Extract

aloe extractSo who among you haven’t heard about the soothing properties of Aloe. I used to keep an aloe plant on my kitchen window sill as a first line of treatment for burns.  But the Aloe Extract in Cellgevity is more than a home burn treatment. The active ingredient is called acemannan and the content in Cellgevity is highly bio-active.  Aloe also has other antioxidant functions and it supports the immune system

Selenomethionine ( Selinium)  Selenium is a very important componentselenium molecule in Cellgevity as the glutathione peroxidase enzyme, which is responsible for detoxification of lipid peroxides (which basically means removing the poisons from damaged fat molecules) absolutely requires the presence of Selenium to set it into action. And without glutathione, the enzyme cannot be regenerated.

Black PeppercornsBlack Pepper Without the presence of black pepper (BioPerine) the body would not as readily absorb Selenium (mentioned immediately above) Vitamin C or Curcumin (Turmeric root)



Cordyceps – Cordeceps has been a staple of Chinese medicinecordyceps for hundreds of years where it has been used  as a stimulant, a tonic, and an “adaptogen,” which is used to boost energy, stamina, and reduce fatigue. Cordyceps is also used for coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, nighttime urination, male sexual problems, anemia, irregular heartbeat,high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, unwanted weight loss, and opium addiction, along wth strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, offsetting the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving liver function in people with hepatitis B..

Cordyceps might improve immunity by stimulating cells and specific chemicals in the immune system. It may also have activity against cancer cells and may shrink tumor size, particularly with lung or skin cancers.

Milk ThistleMilk Thistle If you want to remove heavy metals and toxins from your liver, you might be interested in Milk Thistle – Silymarin. It is a powerful antioxidant in its own right



Grape Seed ExtractGrape Seed Extract What is actually extracted from Grape Seeds are proanthocyanidines. They demonstrate powerful antioxidant activity as free radical scavengers and reduce inflammation.

Read about –Other Cellgevity Ingredients

BUY Cellgevity


New Packing for Max OneMaxONE is the supplement to boost glutathione levels from Max International. Max One, a glutathione precursor feeds your body an ideal combination of nutrients to help you produce your own Glutathione.

This is the MAXONE that Don Colbert M.D. has been talking about with Pastor Benny Hinn. MAXONE is your best way to say NO to aging more quickly than you should. With this advanced support for your production of Glutathione you can put this powerful antioxidant THAT YOU MAKE working for you to fight inflammation, pain and toxins.

Order MAXONE at the One Time Wholesale Price – $75* OR Effective August 1 Agree to a 3 month autoship and Get the NEW PRICE of only $60.00*

* Plus Shipping and Taxes as Applicable

You can order online or give us a call with your questions and we can take your order over the phone. Fast, helpful and courteous service.

1- 289-240-7408

MAXONE is the newest Advanced Glutathione Support from Max International. Using this revolutionary product will help your body produce more glutathione, which is important because Glutathione is:

  • An Immune System Booster
  • A Detoxifier
  • A powerful Anti-inflammatory
  • Your Master Antioxidant

When we talk about the benefits of supporting your glutathione production, we’re really concentrating on the need to help your body deal with the problems associated with oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the condition brought about by the unchecked action of free radicals / oxyradicals – damaged molecules that create chains of other damaged molecules within the cells of your body. Left unchecked, these chain reactions leave your organ systems cluttered with the debris of dead and damaged cells which in turn will eventually compromise the organs and your health. More than 74 major diseases and disorders – many of which are usually just written off as the inevitable diseases of aging – are directly associated with oxidative stress.

Anitoxidants are Nature’s way of cleaning free radicals from your cells and Glutathione, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants available to you, is aften refered to as the Master Antioxidant. It not only supports the actions of other antioxidants- it is also found in each and every cell in your body- always available when and where you need it. Unfortunately, for the 40+ crowd, the natural production of glutathione slows significantly with aging and as early as your twenties you lose 10-15% of your production capacity every 10 years..

You can’t take Gutathione and have it make much difference for your health. Its made in your body. But MAXONE can help your body to make more of it by providing the raw materials it needs and one of them is Cysteine.

What makes MAXONE special is RiboCeine technology which enables MAXONE to protect Cysteine and deliver it On Demand– directly to your cells to support the production of glutathione when they need it. In fact, as a means of boosting your Glutathione levels, RiboCeine has been shown to be 300% more effective than NAC (N-acetyl-l-cysteine). This testing measured important liver glutathione levels.

MAXONE is available for purchase online from distributors of Max International, which is a highly respected and very successful network marketing company. The retail price for a one month supply of MAXONE is $92.00 US, but you can purchase it Wholesale for only $75.00 or $60.00.Click her to buy MAXONE at wholesaleYou will not find a better price anywhere online and MAXONE is not available in retail stores.

If you would prefer to talk with our MAXONE expert on staff and order over the phone

Call 1-289-240-7408

About MaxGXL

If you’d like to support your good health with a cost effective and practical idea, you can try increasing your levels of Glutathione. MaxGXL® -the glutathione accelerator is the ideal solution. Max GXL® provides a unique combination of nutrients including Vitamin C, L-Glutamine, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and Alpha Lipoic Acid (all supported with a proprietary nutrient blend to aid in absorption) that provide your body with the food it needs to produce Glutathione. Bottle of MaxGXL

What Is Glutathione? Glutathione is a tripeptide molecule that we all produce naturally. A tripeptide is a combination of three amino acids that are joined with peptide bonds. Glutathione boosts your immune system and detoxifies your cells. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that boosts your immune system and helps your body to detoxify and repair damage caused by an inadequate diet, trauma and injuries, your aging systems, environmental pollution, every day stress, infections, drugs, and radiation.

Glutathione (GSH) is best known as the Master Antioxidant. It’s found in each cell of your body. The immediate presence of glutathione within each cell means that it is immediately available to prevent oxidative damage.

You’ve probably already heard of free- radicals or oxyradicals which at this moment are busily stealing electrons in millions of your cells in order to return to a stable state and in so doing are creating new free radicals. Left unchecked, this ongoing chain reaction will eventually cause irreparable damage to your cells, killing them and leaving the dead cells to clutter up your organ systems eventually damaging them in the process or corrupting the DNA leading to mutated cell replication. Antioxidants – (one of the most powerful being glutathione) can stablize free radical molecules and stop the chain reaction.

Glutathione is in every type of cell, including your immune system cells that combat disease. It’s an incredibly important element for your sustained good health and every adult should have an active interest in increasing their declining production of glutathione.

Why Increase Glutathione? – Because with additional Glutathione, you’ll be better able to naturally detoxify your body, enjoy increased energy and support your Immune system. Research has demonstrated that subjects with low levels of glutathione are more vulnerable to chronic illnesses often the result of sustained cellular inflammation thats a sympton of free radical damage. It has the potential to fight almost any disease caused by free radical damage which includes many chronic conditions associated with aging.

Two Very Big Problems

  1. As early as our thirties, production of Glutathione declines dramatically and our available supply is reduced by 10-15% every ten years. By the time we’re in our 40’s our glutathione levels are not much better than your average octagenarian.
  2. Oral glutathione supplements have not proven to be effective as the glutathione is not well absorbed by your body when taken as an oral supplement.

But, MAX GXL® is not a Glutathione supplement -it’s a precursor- something that supplies you with the raw materials to manufacture your own glutathione. Experts agree that supplementing with the right precursors measurably boosts the level of glutathione within the cells of your Results of MaxGXL Glutathione studiesbody.

MaxGXL® is the Glutathione Precursor which was developed by Dr H. Keller. His solution represented such a significant breakthrough development in raising Glutathione levels that it was awarded a composition patent in the United States – something usually reserved for pharmaceuticals.

How effective is MaxGXL® ?

After only three months of using MAXGXL® daily, patients experienced a 400% increase in Glutathione levels. Simply stated – IT WORKS.

We offer MaxGXL® for the best 1 x wholesale price of – $69 or Agree to a 3 Month Autoship and Pay Only $50*

* Plus Shipping and Taxes as Applicable
“You have been bombarded regarding the importance of antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D3 and a plethora of others in foods and nutritional supplements. All of them are important. They all pale in comparison to those your body creates everyday.” -Dr. R. H. Keller

Testimonials for MaxGXL®
“Within Three to Four Days I Felt a Difference..”Ernest Chang

“On taking MAXGXL at his managers suggestion while training in 2007…..”Within three to four days, I felt a difference,” he says. “I had a sustained energy level. I sleep better at night and need less sleep than before I started taking Max. My trainer-recuperation ability increased greatly. Not only did I recover faster for each workout, I also recovered faster between sets. The best way I can describe it is like my lungs felt supercharged. Other huge differences were my increased strength and my number of repetitions.”
Ernest Chang – Police Officer & Body Builder

” I Started Experiencing Overall Increased Energy..” Tom Jones

“Shortly after I started taking MaxGXL® I started experiencing overall increased energy, quicker recovery time after training 5 to 7 hours a day and — most importantly for me — I have experienced little to no swelling in my hips, knees, back, elbows and shoulders after training sessions. I can now see myself being an extreme endurance athlete for years to come, thanks to MaxGXL®.”
Tom Jones 44 Years Old Two Time World Champion Thai Kick Boxer, Extreme Endurance Athlete

Diagnosed with Cancer in 2003 that Cost Him a Kidney– Dr John Kindle

“The science behind this product made absolute sense to me
I started to use the product myself and advised my patients about what I had found. In my personal life, I have experienced incredible energy and my recovery time playing squash amazes me, as I play athletes 20 years younger I am. I am sleeping more soundly, as well.”
Dr. John Kindle (Ontario, Canada) Practicing physican for 34 Years

The Evidence supports MaxGXL®-

All That Remains Is Where’s the Best Price?

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About Cellgevity

Created to help fight the root causes of premature aging, Cellgevity is the newest and the ultimate in glutathione support from Max International.

Cellgevity is based on Max International’s proprietary compound Riboceine LogoRiboCeine. This is the compound that was developed by Dr H Nagasawa and drove the development of both MaxONE and MaxATP. But, in addition to RiboCeine, Cellgevity includes a list of proven ingredients to support your glutathione production and the roles that glutathione plays in your health including:

  • neutralizing various types of free/oxy radicals to keep your cells healthy
  • improving your post workout recovery
  • promoting normal cellular detoxification
  • helping to maintain healthy, functioning joints
  • supporting better levels of increased energy
  • helping your body to manage cellular inflammation
  • supporting your immune system

Bottle of CellgevityThe additional ingredients in new Cellgevity include Vitamin C, a-linolenic acid (ALA), Broccoli seed extract, Curcumin, Resveratrol. Grape seed extract, Milk thistle, Quercetin, Cordyceps, Selenium, BioPerine and Aloe Extract.

Cellgevity is priced at $79.00 wholesale and is also available as part of the Max International Loyalty autoship promotion for $65.00/month.

Use the Buy Now Button to purchase at the wholesale price. To order the Loyalty Autoship – call 1-866-993-6243

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Natural Relief for Chronic Pain

I’m not an official health practitioner and so you’ll receive a health consultation from this article .   But what you will get is a considered perspective about something you can check into if you’re suffering because of chronic pain.

Chronic pain – by definition – is long lasting and/or recurrent .  It can continue for months or- happens all too often – for years.  Chronic pain isn’t the immediate result of a traceable injury . The fact is that if you severely twist an ankle when you’re out running , it’s going to hurt the for a while .  Pain is natures way of telling you that something’s physically wrong. For lots of injuries and strains , the pain you feel the next day is caused by the inflammation caused in the cells .

Along this line , the immediate pain and chronic pain share a connetcion . That connection   is inflammation.  Inflammation is frequently common chronic condition that lots of people have even if we don’t know about it. But if a result of the inflammation is pain, we will pay attention .

Inflammation is often a result of an out-of-control action of free radical damage inside our cells.  One explanation for the unchecked damage is that there are not enough antioxidants available to clean up the free radicals.  There are lots of types of free radicals and a variety of antioxidants that can fight them, but not all of them are equally useful and one of the most valuable is an antioxidant called glutathione .

Glutathione is frequently called the body’s Master Antioxidant for the simple reason that it’s found in each cell of your body.  Since it is meant to always be at the scene of the crime , glutathione is uniquely adapted to remove free radicals everywhere .  It’s too bad that , as we get older we make decreasing amounts of the Master Antioxidant .

So getting to the point , one tactic you can try – which has been effective for people suffering from chronic pain is to increase the level of antioxidants in your system in order to eliminate the free radicals and reduce the inflammation.  You can increase your levels of Vitamins C and E . Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and to enhance your  glutathione production you can take MaxGXL or MaxONE.

Try MaxGXL instead of a Glutathione supplement.