Exercise on a Juice Cleanse?

I have one of those wonderful super-powered blenders at home that I use to make both fruit and vegetable smoothies. I know that a juicing purist wouldn’t hesitate to remind me that it’s not the same, but it works for my purposes.
Exercise on a Juice Cleanse?I pretty much get this question every time I deliver or guide someone through a juice cleanse. Can I still work out? Should I start working out? The answer totally depends on the person. First things first… Know your body. Listen to your body. Let your intuition guide you. By the way, If your body […]
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A Few Benefits of Juicing  Just a few reasons to add green juice into your life! Check out my instagram at www.instagram.com/melodyorganics to get daily green juice recipes! I also offer cleanses to local residents in the “Boutique” section of the website! Order your custom cleanse today!
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Enjoy The Many Health Benefits of Red Wine

Resveratrol can be referred to as substance which is naturally created by many plants as part of the organic defenses–to safeguard them from the outcomes linked with overcrowding, extreme weather and attacks from bugs and disease. Resveratrol exhibits a powerful antioxidant action within animals and for these benefits, Resveratrol is included in AIO- a nutritional supplement drink.

Several tests demonstrating the health advantages of reasonable dark- red wine consumption started the study on the benefits of resveratrol about ten years back. Red wine is different from white wines in that it’s fermented using the grape skins (which contain resveratrol). After fermentation the resveratrol is also in the completed red wine. Red wine also makes better gravy- perhaps not a key health issue, but certainly something worth noting. :-))

Current research on animals demonstrates resveratrol can significantly increase expected life, boost stamina, and imitate the medical advantages of a calorie limited eating plan. Also, resveratrol is an effective antioxidant that can help lessen inflammation and heart disease. In a nutshell, resveratrol is very valuable!

Reseratrol is a natural anti-diabetic compound and helps maintain glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity. It could help reduce dependencies on medications for some people.

Many research studies have found it to increase testosterone production. For athletes this a natural and healthy aid to gain muscle. By raising the body’s own production of testosterone, muscle strength, mass, and recovery from physical exercise is improved.

Resveratrol can be used in pill form and has a seventy percent assimilation rate. This is much higher than many other supplemented nutritional vitamins and minerals. Studies have found that when taken with meals the total absorption is improved. It is suggested to take 250 mg of Resveratrol, three times a day.

Here’s a Good Way to Detox Your body

Bottle of brown Seaweed extract

Following the earthquake in Japan, curiosity was raised about heavy metal poisoning and the results of radiation.  We all need to know how to detoxify the body. Brown Seaweed Extract from Laminaria Japonica helps to detox your body. It incorporates pure Organic Alginate, Iodine, Laminarin and Fucoidan

Organic Iodine boosts the thyroid gland, which manages metabolism, growth, and development and functions as a natural disinfectant organ in the body. All of the blood in the body rotates through this small organ every fifteen minutes.

Alginate helps in addressing heavy metal poisoning and the absorption of heavy metals,free radicals and radioactive elements in the body. It does this by binding itself to alien substances. It is then removed from the body as well as the toxic substances. Fucoidan helps clear away dangerous cells from the body. Laminarin is a polysaccharide that assists in balancing cardiovascular functions.

Brown seaweed extract Formula has Modifilan® which is beneficial for increasing energy and boosting the immune system. It consists of Chlorella enhanced with the Amylase, Papain, and Phytase enzymes to encourage superior absorption of the ingredients.

Brown Seaweed Extract Formula is best taken on an empty stomach, such as upon rising in the morning with plenty of water. It is not encouraged to take it before bedtime, as most people report an elevated energy level, which could interfere with sleep. For general health purposes take four capsules per day. For people who have serious health conditions it is recommended to take larger quantities, such as eight to ten capsules per day for three months. For chelating therapy, i.e. the removal of heavy metals and radiation from the body, take approximately ten to twelve capsules per day for up to six months. IMPORTANT: DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. ONE FULL GLASS IS RECOMMENDED FOR EACH FOUR CAPSULES.

Strengthen Your Liver with Antioxidants – Glutathione

The liver is your body’s detoxification center. Think of it if you’d like as your systems washing machine.  It isn’t a particularly glamorous job and the liver is rarely acknowledged along with organs like the brain or the heart for the valuable work it does. The simple fact however, is that without your liver’s cleaning action, countless toxins, including environmental pollutants, chemical food additives, impurities in the water, smoke, bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses will spill into your bloodstream and be free to travel through the body to attack the heart, lungs and brain.

In addition to protecting us from the onslaught of toxins from outside of our body, the liver protects us from toxins that we produce.  Toxins can result from nutritional deficiencies, which are becoming increasing – and truly – inexcusably more common, because of poor eating habits and some of our conventional farming practices that are resulting in nutritionally deficient foods.  Unfortunately, the body has an outstanding storehouse for toxins. We can store toxins in our fat, literally for years and then, in times of stress, or fasting, or dieting or even as a result of what should be healthy exercise, we finally metabolize those fats and release the toxins back into our bloodstream.  The sudden influx puts great pressure on our livers.

It’s also impossible to mention the liver and not also mention Cirrhosis, the name that refers to end stage liver disease where years of chronic inflammation, usually (but not always) caused by one specific toxin – alcohol- have created such an extensive build up of scar tissue that there simply isn’t enough of the functioning liver left to do its job.  The result is death (unless you get a transplant).  Liver Disease is the 4th leading cause of death among 30-50 year olds.

Antioxidants are vital to the health and functioning of the liver in two key ways- to remove toxins from our body and to protect it.

Antioxidants  help the liver cleanse toxins from the blood. In other words they support the detoxification function itself.  During the second phase of detoxification, the liver releases large amounts of enzymes and antioxidants, including glutathione into the body in order to neutralize the toxins that have not already been modified by the liver directly in the first stage.  You see, the liver can only do so much and it (along with the rest of the body) relies on antioxidants to cleanse toxins and free radicals before they can build up.

When the level of glutathione falls, usually as a result of a sustained intake of toxins, the liver is not able to do its job properly. It can become damaged by free radicals, all too soon reaching a state of oxidative stress that, among other things can result in inflammation.  Left too long, in an attempt to protect itself, the liver produces scar tissue and the Cirrhosis cycle begins.

Unfortunately, chronic alcohol abuse is not the only source of toxins that can damage our liver. Let’s face it, our world and our lives are filled with toxins and stressors, so taking steps to protect the health of our liver is vital.

When you boost your level of antioxidants and your production of glutathione you’re helping your liver clean toxins from your blood and you’re ensuring that it can support your other organs by releasing key antioxidants like glutathione throughout your body to prevent systemic damage from oxidative stress. You’re also ensuring the liver has enough glutathione to protect itself from the damage that can be caused by free radicals and the heavy load of toxins we deal with.  A stressed, inflamed liver affects the health of every organ in your body.

Eat a healthy diet, rich in raw fruits and vegetables.  Cut down on stimulants like caffeine and on depressants like alcohol and nicotine.  Drink at least 2 quarts of water a day and in addition to ensuring that your body has a rich supply of antioxidants, you might also with to consider supplementing your diet with digestive enzymes like Protease, Lipase or Amylase to aid in your digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.  When your digestive system works effectively it reduces the toxins that your liver needs to manage.