4 Easy DIY Puffy Eye Remedies‏

4 Easy DIY Puffy Eye Remedies‏

Resist the urge to hide under your duvet if you don't have a purse full of weird and wonderful eye creams and try some simple home remedies instead.
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United Nations to invoke border crisis as justification for invasion of USA?

(NaturalNews) Officials with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) are “intensely discussing in meetings” the possibility of extending UN protection to tens of thousands of Central American aliens crossing illegally into the United States from Mexico by defining…
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Las 10 Mentiras Nutricionales Más Destructivas

Las 10 Mentiras Nutricionales Más Destructivas

Por el Dr. Mercola

No existe carencia de información ni tampoco de malos consejos en conjunto. Algunas ideas erróneas son inofensivas—pero otras son completamente peligrosas y con el tiempo podrían ocasionarle problemas de salud crónicos e incluso podrían restarle años a su vida.
También es de vital importancia descifrar la realidad See Original Article

Un Sobrecalentamiento Puede Causarle a su Perro una Muerte Agonizante en Cuestión de Minutos- Sin Embargo Es Completamente Evitable

Por la Dra. Becker

Los calurosos meses de verano ya están por llegar y trágicamente, muchas mascotas sucumbirán ante muertes relacionadas con el calor de aquí hasta que se aproxime un clima más fresco en el otoño.
La mayoría de los casos de muertes de perros a causa de la exposición al calor no se denuncian, por lo que no existen estSee Original Article

Fracking contaminates U.S. surface with radioactive waste

Fracking contaminates U.S. surface with radioactive waste

(NaturalNews) The petroleum and natural gas extraction process known as hydraulic fracturing is becoming more common in the United States, especially in the East. This method injects water, sand, and chemicals deep into rock formations, creating fractures that allow petroleum and…
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Heavy metals in electronic devices causing wave of skin rashes

(NaturalNews) Portable electronic devices may be to blame for rising rates of nickel allergies, suggests a case study by researchers from the University of California-San Diego and published in the journal Pediatrics.The case concerned an 11-year-old boy whose persistent, untreatable…
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Monsanto's manipulative tactics revealed after claiming GM soybeans are 'substantially equivalent' to non-GMOs

Monsanto's manipulative tactics revealed after claiming GM soybeans are 'substantially equivalent' to non-GMOs

(NaturalNews) When talking about the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), scientists working for the biotech industry often tout phony science while broadcasting industry spin. This industry spin is often backed by fundamentally incoherent safety tests that are used to…
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Spinach is a great natural source of iron, vitamin K and phytochemicals

(NaturalNews) Spinach, in all its varieties, is one of the most nutritious “regular” foods in existence. One only needs to look at its bright, vibrant leaves to understand that this annual flowering plant, which is native to central and southwestern Asia, is brimming with all the…
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Illinois bans soap containing plastic microbeads

Illinois bans soap containing plastic microbeads

(NaturalNews) Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has just signed a bill into law banning the manufacture and sale of microbeads. These plastic particles, about the size of fish eggs, are used in commercial exfoliating soaps.Illinois officially became the first state to ban microbeads…
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LeBron James has magnesium deficiency

(NaturalNews) “Take magnesium LeBron!” was shouted by hundreds of thousands of people, who have read my book The Magnesium Miracle or watched my magnesium videos, when LeBron James collapsed with muscle cramping toward the end of Game 1 of the June 7, 2014, NBA Finals.Let me first…
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Fight heart disease and lower cancer risk with a daily dose of nuts

Fight heart disease and lower cancer risk with a daily dose of nuts

I love eating nuts- raw ones that is.. almonds, pecans, walnuts and a few brazil nuts are all to be found in my daily diet.  To me they’re a simple protein source and a great snack food, but they can be so much more….See Original Article

Reverse Your Diabetes Today Review – PRHealth Examines if This Diabetes Treatment Really …Although people tend to take medicine or injection to control blood sugar, it will not antidote diabetes completely. But if they apply natural treatment …
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Wrinkle Beauty Balm from Forces of Nature Offers a Homeopathic and Organic Wrinkle Treatment

Wrinkle Beauty Balm from Forces of Nature Offers a Homeopathic and Organic Wrinkle Treatment“Wrinkle creams and wrinkle treatments have never before targeted the … Rich in natural vitamin C, it is a potent cure for a variety of skin disorders.
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Vitamin D: Don’t Let Your Dog Overdose on This Popular Human NutrientBy Dr. Becker

It’s common knowledge that vitamin D is essential for proper functioning of the human heart, and research has found a direct link between vitamin D deficiency and congestive heart failure (CHF). The relationship is so strong, in fact, that vitamin D blood levels are used to predict the chances of survival of people with CHF.
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Tamar Stitt inquest: Father says he used Perth red clay to ‘cure’ own ailments

Without any doubt, we are empathetic creatures and can share and inherit stress, and we do (or at least should) have the right to choose how we and those in our care are treated for illness.
Many people will read about the Stitt’s with less than sympathetic results, but chemo is a treatment with terrible side effects and I personally do believe that there are other remedies that don’t follow the path of western medicine. …. but it’s not an easy call.
Tamar Stitt inquest: Father says he used Perth red clay to ‘cure’ own ailmentsIn his evidence, Mr Stitt said he had used clay taken from around the home of his in-laws in the Perth suburb of Kenwick to treat himself for chest …
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Study shows stress levels can increase just by observing others in stressful situationsSee Original Article