Menopause solutions – Reshaping your life without toxic medications

Menopause solutions – Reshaping your life without toxic medications

(NaturalNews) Menopause is a natural part of life for women, but it can also be a very challenging one. In 1998, an estimated 477 million women in the world had gone through menopause. That number is projected to rise to 1.1 billion by the year 2025.Oftentimes, this stage brings…
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Stubble trouble? Try these home remedies

For some men stubble that simply refuses to grow can become a psychological problem. Especially if you are the groom to be and you have to don …
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Worse than Zika? Farming chemicals tied to developmental delays and decreased head circumference in newborns

(NaturalNews) It is no secret that organophosphorous pesticides (OP) can have dangerous effects, but a new study out of China shows just how deeply their reach extends. The researchers looked into how prenatal and postnatal OP exposure affected birth outcomes and neurodevelopment…
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10 Errores Que Debes Evitar Cuando Presentas a Dos Perros Nuevos

Por la Dra. Becker

Ya sea que vayas a tener un nuevo perro en la familia, que estés cuidando la mascota de un amigo por unas semanas o que pases cerca de otros perros en tu caminata matutina; tu perro tiene muchas oportunidades de conocer a otros perros.
La diferencia entre que estos encuentros se desarrollen bien o se desarrollen agresivamSee Original Article

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