From the Publisher's Desk – Give me a large mug of sage tea

From the Publisher's Desk – Give me a large mug of sage tea

Thomas Edison once said “Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will …
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BRAINWASHED: Climate change activists have been convinced to support the very thing that will murder Mother Nature and collapse our world: Reductions in carbon dioxide

(Natural News) If there is one thing people ought to know by now, it’s that you can’t believe everything you see on TV or read on the internet. ButSee Original Article

Best male enhancement products – The best male enhancement

Erectile dysfunction home remedy the for through do the regarding the 3 Geological the and or or understanding to trial. Byla Best International used …
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Chocolate nutrients known as "flavanols" confirmed yet again to strongly boost brain performance and prevent cognitive decline

(Natural News) Chocolates and kids don’t really match, at least according to their parents or nannies who just want to have a peaceful night. You’vSee Original Article

La Vitamina B12 Ha Demostrado Ser Fundamental para Todas las Células

La Vitamina B12 Ha Demostrado Ser Fundamental para Todas las Células

Por el Dr. Mercola
Prácticamente todas las personas saben que la cantidad correcta de vitaminas es importante. De vez en cuando,  surge información nueva que muestra que algunas vitaminas tienen mayor consecuencia de lo que anteriormente se pensaba,  porque, con frecuencia, tratan con funciones cruciales en todo el cuerpo.
Ese es el caso con laSee Original Article

Americans Use Far More Opioids Than Anyone Else in the World

According to new data from the United Nations, Americans are prescribed opioids six times more than in any other country in the world. What’s worse, The Washington Post says, is that the cascade of prescriptions for these drugs proves that they are not all that effective when it comes to chronic (long-term) pain.

The only question left, then, wSee Original Article

Avoid the Risks of Testosterone Therapy With Simple, Inexpensive Diet and Lifestyle Strategies

By Dr. Mercola
Testosterone plays many important roles in men’s health. Besides affecting your sex drive, it also helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, red blood cells and a general sense of vigor and well-being. 

Beginning around age 30, a man’s testosterone levels begin to decline and continue to do so as time goes on — unSee Original Article

Las Sutiles Señales Tempranas de la Demencia en un Ser Querido

Por el Dr. Mercola
De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, mundialmente  47.5 millones de personas padecen demencia. Se estima que para el 2030 esta cifra aumente a 75.6 millones y para el 2050 se triplicara.1

La demencia en realidad no es una enfermedad, más bien un término utilizado para describir una serie de diferentes eSee Original Article

Google's "nightmare" robot getting closer to Terminator status: Will the tech giant stage the next war against humanity

Google's "nightmare" robot getting closer to Terminator status: Will the tech giant stage the next war against humanity

(Natural News) Boston Dynamics, a robotics company owned by Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has developed some amazing robots over the past few yeSee Original Article

What Fueled Tom Brady's Super Bowl Comeback?

The Patriots’ victory in yesterday’s Super Bowl was one for the ages. They rallied from an unprecedented deficit to upend the Atlanta Falcons and claim their fifth Super Bowl title. Leading the charge was their venerable leader Tom Brady. At 39 years of age, he is half a generation older than most of his NFL peers yet he was the one left standiSee Original Article

Cutest Toy Poodle Puppy

As adorable as they come, this cute and curly blonde poodle is of the toy variety, which grows to be around 10 inches tall and rarely weighs more than 9 pounds.
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¿Tu Mascota Tiene la Boca Sucia?

Por la Dra. Becker
Es momento de otro debate sobre el cuidado dental de los perros y gatos.
Afortunadamente, la higiene bucal es otra de las áreas de salud de tu mascota donde podrías tener un impacto positivo y directo.
La Mala Salud Bucal en las Mascotas es una Epidemia
El 75 % de los perros y gatos mayores de tres años padecen la enfermeSee Original Article

Pop Pop! Stop popping blackheads and try out these simple home remedies

Pop Pop! Stop popping blackheads and try out these simple home remedies

Do blackheads take your confidence away? Has popping blackheads become your new hobby? Blackheads are nothing but small bumps that appear …
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Esta Increíble Nariz Podría Salvar 15,000 Vidas al Año

Por la Dra. Becker
Como destaca el Dr. Mercola en un previo artículo, entre el 5 y el 10 % de las personas que son admitidas en los hospitales adquieren una infección durante su estadía. En cantidades reales, esto equivale a 1.7 millones de infecciones, 99 000 muertes y $20 mil millones en costos de salud.
Los estudios muestran que si se leSee Original Article

Want to Raise Successful Kids? Science Says Praise Them Like This (Most Parents Do the Opposite)

If you want to prime your kids for success later in life, praise them for the efforts they make to strategize and solve problems, rather than stressing how smart they are, whether they succeed or fail, Inc. reports.

It’s a given that your child’s physical and mental health depend on you, and that’s why it’s so important they get a good heSee Original Article

Signos, Síntomas, Tratamientos Para el Hipo e Hipertiroidismo

Por Alanna Ketler
Los problemas de la tiroides se han vuelto más comunes en los años recientes, suscitando muchas preguntas alrededor de la salud de la tiroides. ¿Qué es la tiroides? ¿Qué hace? ¿En dónde se encuentra?
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre hipotiroidismo e hipertiroidismo? Esperamos que este artículo pueda ayudar a responder See Original Article

Kenia: Maravilloso Rescate de un Elefante Bebé

Kenia: Maravilloso Rescate de un Elefante Bebé

En el Parque Nacional Amboseli en Kenia, un elefante bebe quedo estancado en un pozo de lodo hasta que fue rescatado por Kenya Wildlife Service. ¡Su mamá parece sentirse muy aliviada y agradecida!
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Dog and Cat an Unlikely Pair at Animal Shelter

Romeo, an orange Tabby, and Juliet, a gray Miniature Schnauzer, were found huddling under a car. When rescuers took them to a shelter, they made it clear, “We’re a pair.”
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5 home remedies to get rid of blackheads, naturally

Well, that need not always be the case since there are perfectly effective natural remedies that will help you resolve the problem in the comfort of your …
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Las 10 Arañas Más Venenosas del Mundo

Estas maravillas de ocho patas producen mordeduras que pueden imitar los efectos del SARM, poner a sus víctimas en un estado de coma o causar insuficiencia renal. Estas arañas no están jugando…
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No vaccine needed: Many children have become resistant to the effects of HIV through natural immunity

No vaccine needed: Many children have become resistant to the effects of HIV through natural immunity

(NaturalNews) A strange new phenomenon is taking place in South Africa, where a group of children has somehow developed resistance to the progression of HIV into full-blown AIDS. According to reports, this rare bunch of youngsters will never develop AIDS, even without the usual antiretroviral…
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Over 1 million Americans to become uninsured as Obamacare collapse accelerates

(NaturalNews) Americans were told that the Affordable Care Act was the health reform law that would finally insure everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, preexisting conditions or other factors. But like so much we were promised about Obamacare, that fundamental principle of…
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Lack of Drinking Water Deteriorates Human Body

At first glance, dehydration appears to be a simple issue, and drinking more water would be the obvious solution. Medical Daily provided a more nuanced view on dehydration and the importance of water as the fundamental building block of life.

When considering the importance of hydration there are two salient issues: Are you consuming enough wateSee Original Article

Your Medications Matter: Patients reminded about important safety message

“This includes prescription and over-the-counter, non-prescription medications as well as vitamins, minerals, supplements and natural remedies.”.
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¿Tu Gato Se Está Convirtiendo en un Perro?

¿Tu Gato Se Está Convirtiendo en un Perro?

No importa cuántas veces tiren el juguete, este veloz gatito corre para capturarlo y devolvérselo a su dueño. ¡Ve como recupera su juguete una y otra vez!
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Is Your Stomach Bloated? Take Up These Home Remedies That Actually Work!

The best part about these natural home remedies is that they do not have any side effects like other forms of medications. Hence, one could have it …
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Contaminación en el Interior de Su Coche

Por el Dr. Mercola
¿Qué les pasa a los conductores que pasan muchas horas viajando en coche cuando van al trabajo semana tras semana? Uno de los riesgos desafortunados es que pasan muchas más horas inactivos detrás del volante de su coche.
La inactividad podría aumentar su riesgo de una gran variedad de problemas de salud que incluyen See Original Article

FLASHBACK: Medical doctor loses license after lying in false testimony for chemical front group

(NaturalNews) A former doctor who profited handsomely by lying before the courts about flame retardant chemicals has gotten off easy by voluntarily giving up his medical license. The Chicago Tribune reports that David Heimbach, who already retired several years ago, has agreed to…
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Herbal Remedies To Treat Cracked Heels

Herbal Remedies To Treat Cracked Heels

Have you heard about the herbal remedies for cracked heels? No? Then, go ahead, read on. While we are all about fancy spas for that perfectly …
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11 Razas de Perro Que Capturan el Espíritu Americano

Por la Dra. Becker
Hay muchas razas de perros maravillosas en el mundo. En los Estados Unidos, se importan muchas de ellas, como el Buldog Francés, los perros Bernés de montaña de los Alpes Suizos, Chihuahuas de México y el Chow Chow, que viene de China.
Pero algunos de los mejores perros del planeta provienen de los Estados Unidos deSee Original Article

Has Science Finally Found a Cure for Anxiety?

Because, you know, maybe anxiety doesn't need years of research, meds, and therapy to find a cure. Maybe we all just need — drum roll, please!
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Tired? The vitamins and minerals your body needs to help you sleep better

But if all the tips, like drinking warm milk and reading a good book at bedtime, haven't helped, there are many natural remedies that might finally help …
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La Manera Más Fácil y Rápida Para Ayudar a Desintoxicar Su Cuerpo

La Manera Más Fácil y Rápida Para Ayudar a Desintoxicar Su Cuerpo

Por el Dr. Mercola

Por desgracia, su cuerpo es atacado constantemente por sustancias tóxicas a diario, una gran parte de las cuales son difíciles o imposibles de evitar por completo.
Además de las industrias que vierten conocidas toxinas en el aire, alimentos y agua, también hay productos químicos sintéticos en la mayoría de los proSee Original Article

La Nutria Malabarista

El juego casual de la nutria es una maravilla para cualquiera que lo vea. El hecho de que la nutria no tenga pulgares no la limita a resignarse – sus reflejos son indiscutibles – pasa una pequeña piedra de mano a mano sin apenas mirar a donde va.
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6 Home Remedies To Whiten Your Dark Knees

Before you get down to finding home remedies to whiten the dark knees, first understand why the skin is excessively dark in these areas as compared …
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Meditation builds brain cells, Harvard study shows proof

New research has now demonstrated that meditation builds brain cells and increases gray matter in the brain. According to Waking Evolution participants listened to guided meditation for an average of 27 minutes a day for an eight-week trial. The results? Study participants reported feeling less stressed after the eight-week period and it has beSee Original Article

La Imitación es el Halago Más Sincero

La Imitación es el Halago Más Sincero

Debido a que su madre no pudo alimentarlo a él ni a sus hermanos, Johnnie la cabra pigmea fue rescatado y comenzó a ser alimentado con biberón.
Después de un par de semanas de recuperación logra estar lo suficientemente saludable para empezar sus clases de salto y juego.
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Please – Don’t Declaw Your Cats

Cats need claws for protection and balance. Declawing entails amputating their toes at the last joint, often causing bone chips, blood loss and infection, not to mention anxiety.
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Birds Tease Baby Elephant

When this baby elephant crossed a road, several birds began swooping and reeling around her. She tried swinging her trunk at them, then finally bolted across the road.
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Cría Perros… y Serán Tus Perrijos

El dueño de Dunder el Pastor Alemán decidió tomarle una foto todos los días durante su primer año de vida. Gracias a su gran idea, ahora todo el mundo puede verlo crecer desde un tierno cachorro a un hermoso perro en tan solo 40 segundos.
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