A Spotlight on Vitamin C and Your Health

Every person has heard of vitamin C (a.k.a. ascorbic acid (AA) also known as dehydroascorbic DHAA in its oxidized state). In fact, vitamin C is virtually a catch all name for any compounds that exhibit the same biologic activity as AA. It’s importance was originally recognized in 1747 when James Lind observed that men could be cured of scurvy if offered oranges and lemons. It was a lifesaving breakthrough for sailors. The expression “Limey” caught on fairly quickly as a nickname for the sailors in His Majesty’s Royal Navy.

Vitamin C is the most important and readily available water soluable antioxidant within the human body. The fact that it is water soluable means that it can neutralize free radicals before they reach the cellular membrane layer. The relationship between Ascorbic Acid and glutathione– the body’s master antioxidant is unique. Vitamin C reduces glutathione back to its active form. Once reduced, glutathione will revitalize vitamin C from its DHAA or oxidized state. The symbioitic relationship explains why Vitamin C is an ingredient in Cellgevity, available from Whole Earth Health

Vitamin C is vital for the creation of collagen. It is also needed in the development of noropinephrine and serotonin. Ascorbic Acid may possibly also have some anti-clotting and blood flow advancement components by triggering the release within the body of Nitric Oxide, which is the most likely reason that Vitamin C is also a key ingredient in the supplement Pro-Argi9-Plus. (Call 1 866 993 6243 for more info)

Vitamin C is stored in both the tissues and blood in our bodies. The adrenal and pituitary glands, and lens of the eye include the highest concentrations of vitamin C inside of your body. Vitamin C is one of the thirteen essential vitamins. The term “essential” is often confused. An essential vitamin is not necessarily more important than another vitamin, rather it’s one that must come from our food since we are unable to manufacture it within the body.

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About Lorraine C

Lorraine is a contributing author to My Max Wholesale and other health oriented sites included wholeearthhealth.com and the-quality-of-life.com

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