A Plaque Buildup in Your Arteries

Coronary artery disease means there is a plaque build up in the arteries. The function of the arteries is to supply oxygen rich blood to the body. Essentially, plaque consists of cholesterol, fat, lime scale, and other kinds of dangerous substances that can be found in the blood.

Plaque in the arteries is better known ad Arthrosclerosis. Some of the factors that contribute to arthrosclerosis include family history, individual lifestyle and your overall health history. Plaque starts off developing slowly in the coronary arteries but eventually the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart is strangled.

The man or woman might experience severe pain in chest or gasp for breath as adequate blood is not reaching the heart. As a result, your heart is compelled to work harder for its oxygen. At times this discomfort or pain can be felt in the neck, arms, face and the back.

Over the course of time, the heart muscles become fragile. Nitric Oxide has been shown to dissolve arterial plaque and relax the blood vessels and a product ProArgi9 Plus – an L-Arginine supplement can help your body boost it’s Nitric oxide levels.

Plaque in the arteries or coronary artery disease is a serious condition and the best cure is prevention. Get exercise. Eat a good diet. Steer clear of fatty, oily, fried and high sodium foods. A change in lifestyle and eating habits will help prevent the formation of arterial plaque and improve the free flow of blood to the heart. It is advised to keep away from cigarette smoking and alcoholic drinks, too.

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About Lorraine C

Lorraine is a contributing author to My Max Wholesale and other health oriented sites included wholeearthhealth.com and the-quality-of-life.com

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